Helpful Steps to Live your Purpose & have THE ULTIMATE LIFE!

I thought for so many days what should I write in next article? So many topics going in mind but i was not able to finalize the one I should write & add-on something good to your life. Then I realized that the answer lies within my question, within my confusion. And I decided to write on the topic which is actually the purpose of this blog, which I actually want to give you: help to make rest of  your life the best of your life.

This article is inspired by my Counseling, Coaching Experience & lots of motivational bestseller books worldwide.

So here is my article to live your purpose & have The ULTIMATE LIFE. Follow these basic steps in various list of exercises & get what you want in Life!

Let’s Start

Get in the dark room or room with less light, close your eyes & think deeply what is your purpose of life? Are you able to give best to your purpose of life? Are you be able to be the person you actually want to be? Forget about what other say, it may be your parent, siblings, friends, gf/bf, spouse, colleague, any damm people exist in your life, Just forget everyone for this very moment & Just ask yourself, Are you the person you actually want to be? Are you able to match upto your own expectation, own dreams? Are you actually proud on self? Are you confident on your decisions? Are you able to live fearlessly with no pressure, no dramas of life, no pretending, nothing Just Proudly as YOU? Are you the source of inspiration to someone? Are you ideal of someone? When you will be old & about to die, are you be able to reach the level of Ultimate Satisfaction That You Did What You Are Born For?

Think It seriously & then open your eyes, Switch on Light & write your answer. True Honest Answers.

If your all answers are Yes! Which is actually rare but if Yes then you are doing great Job! Congrats!

But if your any answer or all answers are NO. Then…… Then No worries… We will work together on same to make every answer YES!

Don’t worry, your realization of No & desire to make it Yes is the first step to reach your Purpose & Live The Ultimate Life!

We all want YES to all these questions. We all want to live great life. We all want to say, listen & feel excellent about self. The only problem is that when we face any challenge in life, in any form we start sacrificing that Ultimate Purpose/ Goal for sake of momentary relief. We opt for shortcut healing & that way we start sacrificing & then losing our dream. It’s the bitter truth but we all do it.

Let’s promise ourselves that we will not going to use shortcuts & not going to be happy in compromising our purpose of life, our dreams. We will live our dreams, our Purpose & WILL SURELY LIVE THE ULTIMATE LIFE!

But how we actually do it? How we actually do something that we reach our goal?

How? That’s a Big Question but the Answer is very simple ‘BELIEVING SELF’. By developing Unshakable trust on self.  The whole big fat or cute little self-help books about self-confidence, mega living, power of subconscious mind, power of positive thinking, Think & grow rich, Laws of Attraction & all the best seller/excellent books , every motivational workshop, every motivational website, every motivational stuff with lots of idea, different words & definitions end up on this basic key factor ‘BELIEVING SELF’.  Only Thing they want to say in various form is ‘BELIEVING SELF’. THAT’S THE ULTIMATE SOURCE OF ENERGY TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING. THAT’S THE MASTER KEY TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. THAT’S THE ULTIMATE MAGIC TRICK TO REACH YOUR GOAL.

In this article, I’ll give you basic & elaborate essential topic & methods in next articles. If you want something specific please let me know.

We all think we believe ourselves but none of us do it 100%.

Because when we Truly Believe – we are optimistic, we are able to focus, we are able to trick out solutions to every single problem, we grow up that we can handle any damm situation & manage it perfectly, We get all skills. And entire universe start helping us to achieve real results.

So how actually we learn to believe? How actually our mind & heart start working together to believe in the purpose?

Answer is simple, we have to train our mind.

How? The way we train self for anything. Simplest examples,  If you eat in dark, your hand will take food to your mouth not your nose, ear, eyes, etc because our hand is trained to perform that action. You train self to balance on cycle, bikes. You train self to swim & play. Similarly we need to train our mind to perform best and open abundance source of energy to us.

You might not know but this small approx 1400 grams of thing placed on top of your body which we call Brain is the most powerful thing in this world. Yes! your mind is the true source of energy. It is more powerful than your computer, your internet, your smartphone, all cool gadgets you can think of. It’s much much powerful. But problem is we never take care of it & utilize it fully.

I read somewhere “Mind is the worst master & the best slave” and actually find it true. If you train your mind, you will get everything you actually want but if you let it control you, you will end up in many problems. You have to master your mind & train it to Believe in your purpose.

You must have read quote from book ‘The Alchemist’ that “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”. That’s the truth of life & it’s because of burning true desire of our mind to achieve it. The TRUE PASSION, STRONG BELIEVE IN SELF & YOUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE.

I think you got my point, if not mail me. I’ll write detailed article on this.

Crux is, if you want to achieve your purpose, live your goals you have to train your mind to believe in yourself.  I’ll help you to achieve it but real help can be done by yourself. You have to trust these steps & follow it passionately with positive mind.

I hope you will do it!

So, Let’s train self to believe, train our mind in getting what we actually want:


Promise yourself you will not complain about problems, failures and you will genuinely start finding solutions for every single problem you face. No excuse at all. PROMISE SELF!

If you don’t have time cut less important things, sleep only essential. If don’t have money work extra. If you don’t have skills then learn it. If you are not able to find coach then coach self. If you have emotional problem become emotional intelligent, strong. Any problem, you will give your best to find the solution. First thing you need to do is get this Positive Attitude.

Let me tell you, Initially you may fail in many things but if you try again you will start winning & this give you ULTIMATE SOURCE OF CONFIDENCE & BELIEVE. DO IT! IT’S VERY IMPORTANT.



Let’s do it. But WAIT!  DO YOU ACTUALLY REALIZE YOUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE, PASSION, GOAL?  IF NOT, ASK YOURSELF.  FIND THE ANSWER! Ask yourself what you actually want to be & you will get your answer.

IF YOU WANT TO REALIZE & LIVE YOUR PURPOSE, you need to develop habit of writing Diary. Sound boring to many but its important! A Diary either a paper diary or notes on your mobile or tablets but not laptop. Only on things you can carry & place near you when you sleep. Best is real paper diary. It’s the way, don’t try to find shortcut. That’s a waste & not worth it. Do it, you will love it after some time.

1. So on First page:

Write your purpose of life. The actual ultimate purpose in just one paragraph. And read it loud, DO you like your Purpose?  Good! Well Done!

Keep a copy of this Ultimate Purpose in your mobile also, so you can read it anywhere & anytime.

2. Second/ Third Page:

Write your goals in life, ultimate goals which you think you want to achieve anyhow personal goal, professional goal, fun goal, adventure goal, monetary goal & every type of goal.  

3. Next Pages: Write the path to reach your ultimate purpose & ultimate goal. Things to achieve in this month, 1 year, 5 year & 10 year.

4. Next Pages: Do your own SWOT (Strength Weakness, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis, and find out:


a)      What all you need to achieve your goal, list it.

b)      All negative things stopping you to achieve it people, habits, emotions, behavior, etc

c)       All positive things which help you to achieve it.

d)      What shakes you most in life & make you low?

e)      What motivate you most when you are low?

f)       What is your Strength, Weakness, Trigger points, etc.

Write everything for sure, don’t skip.

To be honest I also tried to skip things once & then I failed. I redo & realized that it truly works and even all people I coached see the actual difference once they believe in this process & follow it regularly.

But why I’m telling you to write this?

Actually to train your mind & condition it.

Before starting actual training let me tell you one thing frankly, if you will not going to trust in this, your mind will always reject all this & you will waste your time. You have to trust & take it seriously.

I hope you will do it seriously!

So now Let’s go to main exercise for ultimate living:

1. First exercise: You need to keep that ultimate purpose in written with you all the time. Read as many time as you can atleast for a month, especially just before you hit the bed & just after you open your eyes. And whenever you are free. After a month only the time you hit the bed & you wake up.

Sound uncool, i know but do it! You will thank me forever for this uncool stuff when you start seeing the ultimate success results. So trust me & Do it! Give this daily dose of your ultimate purpose to self without failing.

2. Second exercise: As you wake up & see mirror, give big smile to self and say one good thing about self, thing you love about self.

Good Morning Dear! You just started your day with a believe in self, a positive thought & love for self. Well Done! Have a happy positive day!

3. Third exercise: In morning, while having your morning tea/ coffee/ energy drink/ juice/ beer whatever you take, just plan your day: Important things to do & less important things to do. Use this plan and don’t forget to pamper & award yourself once you achieve it. This daily exercise help you to automatically train your mind to be best time manager.

4. Fourth exercise: Before stepping out of your morning tea mode, promise yourself that no matter what happen today, how easy or challenging things show up you will handle them easily, perfectly & positively. Say to self ‘I have all capabilities, I BELIEVE IN MYSELF & I’LL BE THE WINNER’!

This way you condition your mind to do things with positive attitude & full focus.

5. Fifth exercise: You need to do is whatever you do, do it with full heart. There is no point in doing halfhearted things. If you don’t find your heart in anything & it’s not aligned to your purpose, leave that & do what you love to do & is aligned to your ultimate purpose.

6. Sixth exercise: Enjoy your Day, laugh a lot, surround yourself with positive people, try to do one thing every day which make you feel proud & positive.

7. Seventh exercise: When you are going to bed, take out your diary & see where you reach, what weakness you learn to overpower, what strength you add-on to self, what good things you did today, what negative things you removed, what other negative things you feel today & how you will work on negative things to make it positive. How will you work to add more strength to self, what you will do to enrich yourself to reach your Goals. DO This Seriously!

8. Eighth exercise: Read your Ultimate Purpose & Sleep with the thought that you will surely make your life positive, happy & will surely achieve your Ultimate Purpose!

Just 8 steps, so easy & simple!

Follow this for 20 days without cheating a single time & tell me what you see. If you face problems, mail me. I’ll help you. If you want you can share this with your dear ones & ask their support to let you reach your goal.

I’m sure if you do this seriously within 2 months’ time you will see everything so positive & a very different, Confident personality. The best  of your Personality! You will surly start seeing it!

And if you follow this sincerely, you will achieve what you want, you will reach your goals, your inner strength increase, you will gain confidence, nothing can take you away from your ultimate dream & you will be very happy!

So, Give it a shot & don’t forget to share results with me. If you want you can mail or comment. Its upto you. But do share your success story & motivate other people to follow same.

Hope you will like my article & it will help you to add-on something good in your life 🙂

All The Very Best!

Stay True, Stay You!


Nics(Nitika/ Neha)

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